Actifiltre 5 EH compact system – Nice

Installation of a compact chain 5EH Actifiltre - Nice

As part of a renovation of second home in Nice, PACA Assainissement was chosen for the rehabilitation of non-collective sanitation.
An Actifiltre 5EH compact station was installed followed by a 3 x 11 meter drain of Drenotube without gravel recommended by the Ecosystèm hydrogeologist.
A lifting pump CAL 1.4 clear water at the filter outlet was necessary to raise the water to the location recommended for the drain.
The project lasted 5 days.

Construction site information

  • Hydrogeological study
  • Cabinet Ecosystem
  • Compact chain
  • Actifiltre 5 EH
  • Drainage Drenotube
  • Lifting pump Cal
  • Nice

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