Aquatec TEC micro wastewater treatment plant – Roquefort-les-Pins

Aquatec TEC micro wastewater treatment plant - Roquefort-les-Pins

PACA Environnement brought the non-collective sanitation of a villa in Roquefort-les-Pins up to standard. The design firm recommended the installation of a micro station and a powerful pressure pump to supply a 60 meter drain going around the garden. The project, carried out without subcontracting, perfectly met our client’s expectations. Our internal after-sales service will be present to ensure the smooth running of this installation over time.

Construction site information

  • Hydrogeological study
  • Micro wastewater treatment plant
  • Aquatec TEC
  • Pump pressurized
  • Drainage
  • Roquefort-les-Pins

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+33 (0)4 93 27 00 84